Welcome to the ICoTA Europe Chapter

Aramco Overseas Company & Zilift Win Award

The winner of the prestigious ICoTA Award for Innovation and Technology was announced during the 27th European Well Intervention Conference.

The award is presented annually by the Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association (ICoTA) European Chapter to a service company or Operator for the application of technological innovation in the area of well intervention.

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This year’s winners are Aramco Overseas Company and Zilift for the Well Initiation Service Tool. The Well Initiation Service Tool, WIST is a high efficiency, slim hole pumping system that is conveyed and powered through a wireline power cable to appropriate depth in order to lift high density kill fluid, thereby lightening the fluid column and allowing the well to flow naturally to surface.

In the photo, Darren Paul and Michael Taggart are seen congratulating Jamie Cochran of Zilift and Chris Wrighton of Aramco Overseas Company on winning the Award.