Welcome to the ICoTA Europe Chapter

ICoTA Europe - Update on Forthcoming Events

The safety of our members, sponsors and all event attendees is of paramount importance to us. With this in mind we are continuing to monitor the current situation and act on government advice accordingly. We are however aware that it’s important to still provide the well intervention community with opportunities to learn and share knowledge.

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Following UK Government guidelines, ICoTA Europe has made the difficult decision to cancel our June and September Lunch and Learns. Presently, we are monitoring the situation and subject to easing government guidelines we plan to hold the October lunch and learn as normal.

In April, we held our first webinar. To date, together with ICoTA’s Canadian Chapter, we have held a total of 6 webinars. These have covered various well intervention subjects. We held our second webinar with OGUK recently and we are pleased to report that 105 delegates tuned in from all over the globe. Our intention is to continue to hold webinars throughout the summer and autumn months.

We continue to plan for our annual Golf Challenge and this is due to take place on Friday 25th September. Further information will be posted shortly.

Unfortunately, we will be postponing our Stavanger Conference until 9-10 June 2021 but will be delivering some presentation content virtually, the first being by AkerBP in October this year.

Last but not least, we are continuing to plan for the 26th SPE ICoTA Well Intervention Conference which will take place on 18-19 November. Abstracts are open until 17th July. Exhibition space is selling fast with 24 spaces sold already. Exhibitors this year will get the added benefit of being able to present a ‘show and tell’ to the audience at their stand during the show.

ICoTA Europe would like to thank you all for your continued support.