Graham will join us on the 19th of November to discuss ‘HSE Regulatory Insights – Recent findings from incident investigations and regulatory inspections related to well integrity’. We spoke to him about his presentation, and how he feels the industry has changed amid the global pandemic:
We’re very much looking forward to hearing your presentation at ICoTA Week, a series of events that have been launched in response to the current Covid-19 restrictions. What are the changes you’ve seen in the industry, particularly concerning how safety is managed?
“The main thing is we’ve seen operators take a people-focused and cautious approach to safety during the pandemic, which is what we want to see. Some operations were postponed as the scale of the pandemic emerged. Having said that, it’s also encouraging to see that most well integrity and well maintenance tasks have now been completed.
“The main thing for the industry to remember in all this is that effective well operators are those that are regularly assuring the quality and accuracy of their processes and procedures and using those audit and assurance activities to drive performance improvement.”
And in terms of incident investigations and how they relate to well integrity, what kind of insights have you been getting?
“As wells personnel are more routinely shore-based with campaign based maintenance and integrity testing, there can be a functional separation evident in areas such as condition monitoring, annulus management and competence. There appears to be a challenge in creating and communicating effective wells risk assessments which needs to be addressed.”
These are undoubtedly important topics to be discussing at ICoTA Week.
“Absolutely. As wells inspectors, we inspect a broad range of operators, therefore, we have a good insight into current practice, current benchmarks, and common challenges, so sharing that information with this audience is very important.”
If you’d like to hear more from Graham, book your free place at ICoTA Week now.
Posted in ICoTA Week News on 20 October 2020