Welcome to the ICoTA Europe Chapter

Well Intervention Young Professional Spotlight: Chetna Sapru

Young Professionals play a crucial role in our extensive well intervention network. Bringing fresh perspective and inspiring the next generation, we’re fortunate to have some fantastic young professionals as members of ICoTA, as well as those who make up our young professional committee.

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Chetna Sapru joined the committee taking on the role of Vice-Chair in 2020 and has already learned so much:

“Being an ICoTA Young Professional member has been great for broadening my knowledge and understanding of the industry - particularly new technology - by attending lunch & learns and conferences. It has also been an excellent opportunity to expand my network and meet like-minded people working in the well intervention industry who are at a similar stage in their career.”

Currently working as a well intervention engineer at Total, Chetna’s key responsibilities include the planning, engineering and safe execution of interventions across Total’s North Sea assets:

“What I enjoy most about my current role is the collaboration between different departments and companies. We all work together as a team to develop innovative solutions to a range of engineering problems. It is great to be part of a busy team that is involved in challenging engineering work scopes - no two projects are the same!”

Find out more about our ICoTA Europe Young Professional Memberships

After graduating from university, Chetna joined the Maersk Oil’s (now Total) graduate programme as a wellsite drilling engineer:

“I was working on rotation offshore on many different rigs. The role provided me with invaluable practical knowledge and exposure to a wide variety of operations and teams. As part of the graduate scheme, I got the opportunity to go to the IFP School in France to complete my drilling & completion certification. This study period enhanced my technical understanding and was a great stepping stone before joining the well intervention team.”

With a keen interest in science and maths growing up, it’s not hard to see why Chetna chose the engineering career path:

“I studied a Masters in Chemical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, which provided an in-depth study of both the theoretical & practical aspects of engineering. While at university, I undertook internships with various companies in the UK and abroad to widen my skills & knowledge. These opportunities were some of the most enjoyable and valuable experiences as I got to travel overseas, meet lots of people, and broaden my horizons regarding career paths.

“The opportunities available in the energy industry are becoming more diverse and exciting as many oil and gas companies make the transition to energy companies, with ambitions to focus on carbon neutrality and renewables.

“I would recommend University or College students to try and get as much work experience as possible in industries or sectors that interest them. This experience will be essential for deciding what career path they would like to pursue in the future.

“I would also suggest getting involved in extracurricular activities like sports and volunteering. This can help to build transferable skills and express more of your personality. Attend career fairs, network, join societies and reach out to people who work in roles that interest you – they can provide some insight of what a normal workday may look like.”

And the most significant insight Chetna has gained from her experiences in the industry?

“It’s okay not to know all the answers. There is a wealth of knowledge within the industry. That’s why networks such as ICoTA are so important for young professionals. So my advice is to ask questions, stay curious and keep learning.”

If you’re aged 30 or under, ICoTA Europe membership is free of charge, and you also get access to two ICoTA lunch and learn/webinar events per year as part of your membership. Find out more about how you can sign up through our membership page.