Welcome to the ICoTA Europe Chapter


We are the leading Well Intervention Association for the Energy Industry and are currently expanding our presence across the Scandinavian Region.

Join ICoTA Europe today!

ICoTA Europe is a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing across the entire wells community. We collectively aim to inspire and engage and support the next generation.

Join for just £32 per year and benefit from being part of an innovative association with over 30 years’ experience:

**Valuable training and knowledge sharing across all well intervention disciplines

**Largest Well Intervention Conference in Europe

**Annual Scandinavian Well Intervention Conference

**ICoTA Award for Innovation & Technology

**Lunch and Learns’ and Technical Events on topical subjects

**Annual Golf Tournament

**Annual Dinners in both Aberdeen and Scandinavia

**Exclusive members’ area on ICoTA website, past presentations, case histories and training resources

**Discounted places on events 

**Opportunities to raise profile through presentations, exhibitions and more

To sign up, visit the Chapter Membership page

Join our mailing list 


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